How do I add Custom Fields to contacts I import?

Custom Fields are available in all Stages of a single Segment. Examples include Type, Role, Department, Lead Source and any others you create. Cloze offers custom fields to help your further classify your People, Companies and Projects (or Deals). When enabled, custom fields appear in the Relationship section for People and Companies and in the Project (or Deal) Status section. 

Custom Fields are also shared with your team members if you are using Cloze Business. Please read more about Custom Fields here

You can import contacts using a CSV (comma separated value) file. When you import your file you can also include Custom Fields. Behind the scenes Custom Fields are also keywords. You will be using the keyword columns to import your Custom Fields. 


The best way to create a custom template for your account is to export it from your Cloze account. This template will be customized to your account and include any Custom Fields you have added to Cloze. 

Any time you add Custom Fields to Cloze you can generate the template.

Each Custom Field column will start with the word "Custom" followed by the field name. You can then include the value in each cell in the rows below. You will see these columns in the far right of your Cloze import template.

Click on the links below to download a customized template for your account:

1.) Enable Custom Fields in Settings

Please follow these instructions to navigate to the Customize section of settings to enable Custom Fields

2.) Prepare your import file

Custom Fields are imported as their own unique column. You can include as many Custom Field columns as needed. Each Custom Field can have several values.

For example a Custom Field called "Lead Source" could have six values:

  1. Advertisement
  2. Website
  3. Facebook
  4. Trade Show
  5. PR
  6. Referral

To import these values you will add a column to your CSV Called "Custom lead-source". Each row can then include the above field values.

Add new columns in your spreadsheet to accommodate your Custom Fields. Each Custom Field will have its own column.

In this example the spreadsheet has several column headings that have been mapped to the equivalent name in Cloze so this CSV file can be imported. You will need to check and change each column of your original file to make sure it matches the appropriate import field in Cloze.

Importing Tips

  • All upload records (each row) must contain at least: 
    • an email address or
    • a mobile phone number or 
    • a name and phone number
  • After you've prepared your CSV, upload a small sample file of 2-3 rows of contact information to make sure everything imported as expected.
  • Contact support by clicking on the orange "Help and Feedback" button below if you have questions, before you upload.

3.) Import your file into Cloze

If your import file is from another system you will need to check each column header first. Please follow the instructions above. 


1.) Tap on More (...) in the lower left of your screen on

2.) Tap on Settings and then Scroll down to the Import / Export section and click on Import to expand the section. 

Click on the Add Files button to navigate your prepared file you wish to import. 

Before you upload please make sure all of your columns have been properly mapped to Cloze equivalents.  

3.) Then click on the Start Import button to import your contacts.

4.) Scroll down to Custom Fields. If Lead Source is not an option, tap on Add custom field and select Lead Source.

After tapping on Done and completing the mapping, you will then see your new Custom Fields on each profile. 

On the People screen you can now filter by your newly imported Custom Fields.

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