What types of relationships can I track in Cloze?
On the Contact Profile, you will find a section called Relationship. On your phone tap on the About section or look on the right side of the screen on iPad, Android tablet, or cloze.com.
It looks like this:
In the above example, the contact is marked as an Potential Customer.
There are several ways you can customize this section. You can
- Customize your relationship types
- Adjust your keep-in-touch settings for each relationship type
- Track Next Steps with your relationships
- Add Custom Fields to track other information like types of Customers
VIDEO: How to organize your contacts in Cloze with Stages, Segments, and Steps.
You can use this section to classify your contacts as...
- Lead (or Warm)
- Potential (or Hot)
- Active (or In Contract)
- Inactive (or Past or Closed)
- Lost
…and select the specific relationship Segment. By default we include:
- Customers - People you sell to or deliver services to
- Buyers - People looking to purchase a property
- Sellers - People selling a property
- Buyers & Sellers - People transacting both a purchase and sale at the same time
- Renters - People renting a property
- Partners - People that help you sell, deliver services or run your organization
- Suppliers - Companies that you buy from
- Investors - People that invest in you or your organization
- Advisers - People that advise, counsel, or mentor you
- Competitors - People that you compete against
- Agents - Agents at other brokerages
- Coworkers - People that work in your organization
- Custom - A custom type of relationship
Personal Segments (examples)
- Family - Your family and relatives
- Friends - Your friends and acquaintances
- Connections - People in your network
- Sphere of Influence - People in your network
- Personal Custom - Personal custom type of relationship
In other industries, like Real Estate you will see other Segments by default like "Buyer", "Seller", "Buyer & Seller", and "Sphere of Influence". Cloze offers several pre-built customizations that you can select as well. The example below shows the Relationship section with the pre-built Real Estate (Ninja Selling) configuration.
Tap on the Stage and Segment to organize the contact.
Tap on the Stage or Segment as needed to make changes.
In the Customizations Section of Settings you can customize the relationship type labels that are displayed in Cloze. There are several default and custom labels that can be changed to suit your needs.