Exclusive Access

Exclusive access is designed to allow parts of teams to see different information. 

Exclusive access programs can be set up so users in certain roles, sub-teams, or users with specific tags can have access to: 

  • Analytics sections
  • Segments
  • Custom Fields
  • Campaigns
  • Template libraries
  • and more

For example, to give a Member Role Exclusive Access to your Customer Segment, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Tap on "More"
  2. Tap on "Settings"
  3. Tap on "My Team" to expand the menu and then tap on "Edit" Team Settings
  4. Scroll down to Exclusive Access
  5. Give the Exclusive Access an easy-to-understand Name and a Description 
  6. In the "Allow Users that Match Any Of These" sections, we will select the Role; for this scenario, it will be Members
  7. Scroll to the "Give Exclusive Access To" section and select the Customer Segment
  8. Tap on Create to finalize your Exclusive Access
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