How do I add people to a company?

Cloze will automatically add people to the company if they share the same work email domain as the company. You can also add people manually as needed. Below are instructions on how to manually link people to companies in Cloze.

Tip: Creating branch locations and linking people

If you would like to link people to a specific office or branch location we recommend creating a new company in Cloze without a website domain for each location (only include the branch phone and name). Not including a website will prevent the company from merging with other companies that have the same domain.

With this approach you'll have one "parent" view based on the company domain and then can view individual branches as needed. You can link people as needed to each branch location. 

On a mobile phone

On tablet and

On tablet and, scroll down the right side of the screen until you see the "People in the Company Section".

Then tap on Add in the People in the Company section.

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