How do I use Additional Fields in Cloze on Zapier?
In Cloze you often track multiple emails, phone numbers, or addresses for a contact. In Zapier, the Cloze app defines one field for each of these types, but if the source Trigger provides more than one of these values, you can use Additional Fields to pass these to Cloze.
To pass an additional entry of a particular type, you enter one or more name-value entries in the 'Additional Fields" section of the form. Some types of entries are made of multiple fields, and for those you may need to add multiple name-value pairs using the “+” button in the zapier form.
You need to assign a unique number to each additional entry of a given type, usually starting at 1, and specify it within brackets. You can choose any numbers you like as long as they are different for different entries of each type. For example if adding two additional email entries and one url entry, you could name them email[1], email[2] and url[1].
The following entry types and corresponding fields are supported:
Entry Type |
Fields |
value, work, home |
phone |
value, work, home, mobile |
fax |
value, work, home |
address |
street, city, region, postcode, country, work, home |
url |
name, address |
app |
name, address, uniqueid |
Field Name |
Value |
email[1].value | |
email[2].value | |
email[2].home |
true |
phone[1].value |
555-555-5555 |
phone[1].home |
true |
phone[2].value |
555-555-6666 |
phone[2].work |
true |
fax[1].value |
555-555-7777 |
fax[1].work |
true |
address[1].street |
212 Elm St |
address[1].city |
Somerville |
address[1].region |
MA |
address[1].postcode |
02144 |
address[1].country |