Cloze URL Scheme and x-callback URLs

Cloze supports direct URLs to contacts so that you can quickly access information from another system. 

Here's the basic structure of the URLs:

"identifier" unique identifier for a person record (or company)
"full" shows the profile filling the entire page (best used for embedded page in an iframe)
"back" puts a back button on a full-screen profile which redirects the back back to the given url
   iOS: cloze://x-callback-url/contact/<identifier>[?x-success=<url>]
The first follows the x-callback-url standard. x-success acts like "back" on web URLs (shows the profile full-screen with a back button that redirects to the given URL - usually a link back into another app).
The second type of URL is a simplified form to just show a contact profile.
Example URLs (web)
Lookup profile by email:

Lookup profile by phone number:

Lookup company profile by domain:

Lookup profile by twitter handle:

    (%3A is the URL encoding for : )

Lookup profile by 3rd party app ID:
  • (%3A is the URL encoding for : )
Show the profile full-screen (e.g. to embed in an iframe):
Add a back button to the full-screen profile:
Example URLs (iOS)
Lookup profile by email:
Lookup company profile by domain:
  • cloze://x-callback-url/contact/
  • cloze://contact/
Lookup profile by twitter handle:
  • cloze://x-callback-url/contact/twitter%3Acloze
  • cloze://contact/twitter%3Acloze

    (%3A is the URL encoding for : )

Lookup profile by 3rd party app ID:
  • cloze://x-callback-url/contact/
  • cloze://contact/

    (%3A is the URL encoding for : )

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