Cloze APIs Overview
Direct access to Cloze's APIs are now available in beta for users and partners.
If you would like access please email us at and we'll provide instructions on how to access it. Also please include a short description of your integration plans.
Please see below for a list of APIs that are currently available.
Cloze Analytics
- Query user activity - Query activity data for the user. Reports on one or more of the following activity measures
- Query lead qualification data - Query lead qualification data
- Query pipeline data - Query for data about projects/deals in the pipeline. You can select projects according to where their start, active and end dates fall relative to a reporting period, and retrieve various metrics for each.
- Query team activity - Query activity data for the user's team. Reports activity for a particular period across one or more of the following measures
Cloze Content
- Add a communication record - This API allows you to add a new call, text, meeting, email, or direct message to Cloze
- Add a content record - This API allows you to add a new event, note, or external to do to Cloze
- Create a to do - Create a new To Do within Cloze
- Retrieve email opens - Retrieves email opens for a specific user and API key. For example, to retrieve opens on messages sent within the last 30 days.
Cloze Customizations
- Retrieve custom fields - Retrieve custom fields for the user. By default all custom fields are retrieved. An optional relationtype query parameter may be specified: one of person, project and company this returns custom field meta-data that apply to the specific relation type. Please refer to samples for further information.
- Retrieve contact segments - Retrieve the people and entity contact segments available within a cloze user account.
- Retrieve people and entity contact stages - Retrieve the Cloze stages that apply to people and entity contacts. Returns the internal Cloze stage keys along with their user custom label.
- Retrieve project segments - Retrieve the project segments available within a cloze user account
- Retrieve project stages - Retrieve the Cloze stages that apply to projects. Returns the internal Cloze project stage keys along with their user custom label.
- Retrieve steps - For segments, and stages within each segment, retrieve the steps available for a cloze user account. Optional query parameters may constrain the results by segment, or by segment and stage. Steps are returned as user labels and in Cloze internal step name format.
Cloze Relations
- Create a company - Create a new company or enhance an existing company within Cloze. Companies can be created with just a domain name or both a name and another unique identifier such as a phone number and email address.
- Create a person - Create a new or enhance an existing person within Cloze. People can be created with just an email address or both a name and another unique identifier such as a mobile phone number, twitter handle, or facebook id.
- Create a project or deal - Create a new project or merge updates into an existing one. Projects require a name.
Cloze Webhooks
- Subscribe to change events - This method allows you to subscribe to notifications from Cloze such as when a relation(person, project, or company) changes. Notifications are delivered using Web hooks, the callback URL, target_url is supplied in the subscription.
- List subscriptions - This method lets you list your subscriptions
- Cancel a subscription - This method lets you unsubscribe from change events