Where can I find the status of a DocuSign envelope?
Note: The DocuSign integration is currently in beta and included as part of the Cloze Business Gold and Platinum Plans.
DocuSign signing activity is automatically logged to the Cloze timeline

In the Cloze timeline, you'll see the current status of the DocuSign envelope. Envelopes also have statuses (i.e. sent, delivered, completed, voided) and also contain information about the sender and timestamps that indicate the progress of the delivery procedure. This information is also synced with Cloze.
There are four statuses:
- Completed
- Declined
- Voided
- Incomplete - During the signing process (incomplete) you'll several different icons for each DocuSign status: "delivered", "sent", "signed"
- These icons will update automatically
- The subject will change to "Completed" once the document has been signed by all parties.
Envelopes can be resent and corrected, so any changes will be automatically reflected in Cloze.