Where can I find DocuSign documents in Cloze?
Note: The DocuSign integration is currently in beta and included as part of the Cloze Business Gold and Platinum Plans.
With your DocuSign account connected to Cloze, you can easily access both signed and in-process documents. Cloze syncs DocuSign Envelopes to the Cloze Files section.
A DocuSign envelope is a container for documents that you send to a recipient to sign. Each envelope can have one document or many documents. With your DocuSign account connected to Cloze, both historical and new DocuSign envelopes and the associated documents will sync to the Files section of each person.
The envelope holds data on the documents to be signed, the signers, and other recipients. The envelope, including the signers, will sync with your Cloze account. This ensures you can access the documents in the Files section of each person that is part of the envelope.
You can preview, download, and forward the DocuSign documents like other files and attachments found in the FIles section.
To open the document in DocuSign tap on Show Envelope > Open in DocuSign.