Where do I see my SkySlope transactions and listings in Cloze?

Note: The SkySlope integration is included as part of the Cloze Business Gold and Platinum Plans. 

Once connected, the SkySlope integration will sync to Cloze current transactions, historical transactions, and current listings. Key details are automatically synced into Cloze:

  • Listing / Transaction name
  • Address
  • Dates (start and end)
  • Price
  • MLS ID
  • List side % (optionally enable commission)
  • Listing agent
  • Buyers, sellers, and optionally other contacts related to the transaction or listing 

Transactions and Listing are found in the Properties section of Cloze

Tap on Properties to view your SkySlope transactions and listings. 

Select a SkySlope Transaction or Listing to view the details

Filter your view by Segment

Tap on the funnel to filter your view by Buy Transaction or Sale Listing.

Property Status: SkySlope Transaction or Listing

The Property Status section shows if the property is a Buy Transaction or a Sale Listing. 

The Buyers, Sellers, and their contact information are automatically synced with Cloze. 

Scroll down to see other key details.

Filter by Pending

You can also filter to see just your pending transactions.

Key details synced from SkySlope

The SkySlope integration will sync to Cloze key details like name, address, price, MLS ID, and more. 

Optional: Other SkySlope Contacts

Beyond the buyers and sellers, t he SkySlope integration can optionally sync other contacts to Cloze. When enabled other contacts like the title contact, the escrow contact, the attorney, the lender, etc. will display in the Partner section. 

Quickly switch to SkySlope

You can also easily view the same listing or transaction in SkySlope. 

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