How do I connect Twilio to Cloze?
Note: The Twilio integration is included as part of the Cloze Business Gold and Platinum Plans.
Carriers like AT&T and Verizon, and services like iMessage and WhatsApp, don't let you automate sending text messages, but with Twillio you can. With Cloze Campaigns you can automatically send text messages using Twilio, Dialpad, or RingCentral.
Connect Twilio to Cloze to get started with automatically sending text messages via a Cloze Campaign. Twilio sending activity is also logged into the timeline of each contact.
Twilio also lets you forward both texts and calls to your real phone number.
- Forwarding SMS messages from your Twilio number to your mobile phone number
- Forwarding your calls from your Twilio number to your mobile phone number
To connect your Twilio account to Cloze please follow the instructions below.
1.) Tap on the More Options menu (...) and select Settings.
- Tap on More in the lower right of your screen on mobile (iOS/Android).
- Select Settings.
On your computer:
- Tap on More in the lower left on your computer (
- Select Settings.
2.) Tap on Connected Accounts to expand the section
3.) Then tap on the Add button
4.) Tap on Phone
5.) Tap on Twilio
6.) Follow the instructions to connect Twilio to Cloze.
You will need:
- Account SID
- API Key Secret
Find your Twilio Account SID
Create an API Key in Twilio (If you have not already done so)
- Click here to create an API Key in Twilio
- Sign in to your Twilio account if needed
- Enter a "friendly name" (e.g. Cloze)
- Tap on the Create API Key Button
7. Add the Twilio Account SID, API Key SID, and API Key Secret to Cloze
IMPORTANT NOTE: This secret is only shown ONCE. Make note of it and store it in a safe, secure location.
- Copy the SID and paste it into the SID field in Cloze.
- Copy the Secret and paste it into the Secret field in Cloze.
- Copy the Twilio Account SID and paste it into the Account SID field in Cloze.
- After pasting the SID and Secret into Cloze, tap on Connect.