How do I connect Xpressdocs to Cloze?
The Xpressdocs integration is configured centrally for all members of your team. Please have a member of your brokerage marketing team contact your Xpressdocs account manager to connect Cloze.
How to connect Cloze to Xpressdocs
1.) Contact your Xpressdocs account manager about connecting Cloze
Your Xpressdocs account manager will assist you in connecting Cloze to Xpressdocs. They will ask you for:
- Your Cloze Admin email address [if you are unsure please email]
- A Cloze API Key
2.) Create a Cloze API key
- In the API Key section of settings tap on the Add button and create a key.
- Copy the key.
3.) Provide the Cloze API key and Cloze admin email address to your Xpressdocs account manager
After you create your Cloze API key you can provide the Cloze admin email address and newly created API key to your Xpressdocs account manager.
Please email if you have any questions.