How do I add a lead source from an email?
Platinum Feature: Automatic Lead Capture is available with the Cloze Business Platinum Plan.
Cloze can automatically create leads from emails by capturing the information found in the body of the email.
- Turns leads received by emails into contacts automatically.
- Notifies you of the arrival of a new lead
- Enhance contacts with information from the lead email
Please see below for step-by-step instructions on how to add a new lead source. Feel free to chat with us or email us at for assistance.
Setup lead capture in Cloze using an email from a specific lead source:
1.) In Cloze, search for the email and open it.
2.) Hold down the SHIFT key and tap on the Send To icon in the upper-right. Then tap on Lead Capture. (You must hold the SHIFT key down when tapping the icon in order to see the Lead Capture option.)
3.) On this new screen, you will begin to setup the lead. Select how you want the lead to be organized when it is added to Cloze. Then tap on Next.
Categorization (these options may vary depending on your configuration)
- Segment - Set the Segment. In this example, the Segment is Buyers.
- Lead Source - Set the Lead Source. If needed, scroll to the bottom of the menu to create a new lead source. In the example below the Lead Source is Website.
- Lead Origin - Set the Lead Origin. If the brokerage or company is originating the lead typically this is set to Company Generated. In this example, the Lead Origin is None.
- Activity Measure - Set the Activity Measure. You can set any activity measures you have set in your account. (Learn more about Activity Measures.) In this example, the Activity Measure is Inquiry.
- Private - If you are an admin (or have permission to update the customizations for your team), you can choose not to share this with your team by making it Private.
- Draft - If you are not ready to enable this lead capture toggle on Draft. While you are working on the lead capture we highly recommend setting it to draft mode.
4.) Capture Behavior
- Auto Accept Lead - Accept the lead automatically (i.e. you don't need to tap on the accept button)
- Auto-accepting a lead requires a campaign to be setup
- Copy Message to Team on Accept - Automatically shares the lead capture email with the team
- Allow Sharing on Accept - Shares the lead's profile and timeline with the team (based on role and permissions)
- Assign Lead on Accept - Assigns the lead to the appropriate team member on lead acceptance
5.) Custom Processing
- Test Cases - Upload eml examples of lead emails to build parsing rules and test lead capture.
- Parsing Rules - Upload test cases to use Cloze's built-in parser to capture lead information.
- Custom Script - Cloze also offers advanced scripting to automatically extract custom information from lead email notifications you receive. Please reach out to for assistance with this feature. This article explains how to add custom script.
- Run Tests - Test parsing rules and custom scripts.
6.) If all information is being captured accurately, tap on Save.
You will be brought to the Lead Sources screen.
If you see your lead source under Draft Lead Sources, tap on your lead source and toggle off Draft to set your lead source as Live.