How do I create a HAR file for troubleshooting?

While working on more complex issues, our Customer Success Team may need additional information about the network requests that are generated in your browser while the issue is happening.

To review these network requests we may ask that you record what is called a HAR file (or a log of network requests), while the issue is occurring in Cloze so that we have additional details to investigate. 

Below are step-by-step instructions about how you can generate a HAR file using Google Chrome. If you do not already have Google Chrome installed, please download it here and follow the instructions to install it..

Note: It is important that you follow our instructions and clear any existing logs before you use the file. HAR files may contain sensitive data, including content of the pages you downloaded while recording, your cookies, all the information that you submitted while recording (personal details, passwords, credit card numbers, etc.). Clearing the logs will protect against accidently sharing this information


To generate the HAR file for Google Chrome:

1.) Open Google Chrome and go to the specific page in Cloze where the issue is occurring.

2.) From the Chrome menu bar select View > Developer > Developer Tools.

3.) From the panel opened at the bottom of your screen, select the Network tab.

4.) Next look for a round Record button ( Record button ) in the upper left corner of the Network tab, and make sure it is red. If it is grey, click it once to start recording.

5.) Check the box next to Preserve log.

6.) Click the Clear button ( Clear button ) to clear out any existing logs from the Network tab. This is an important step, please make sure to do this. 

7.) Now try to reproduce the issue that you were experiencing before, while the network requests are being recorded.

Please navigate within Cloze to until you reproduce the exact issue. 

8.) Once you have reproduced the issue, right click anywhere on the grid of network requests, select Save as HAR with Content, and save the file to your computer.

9.) Attach your HAR file to your email and reply back to us at so that we may analyze it.

Here is a quick video showing how to record and save your HAR file:

Chrome record and save HAR file

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