Birthday Reminders

Cloze will automatically display birthday reminders on the Agenda. Each birthday reminder includes an email template that you can use to wish the person a happy birthday. 

If a birthday is not set for a person you can edit their profile and add it

You will also find upcoming birthdays listed in the To Do section of the contact profile. On the Cloze Agenda, swipe to the right to send a birthday email. 

1.) Tap on the More Options menu (...) and then select Settings. 

  1. Tap on More in the lower right of your screen on mobile (iOS/Android).
  2. Select Settings

On your computer: 
  1. Tap on More in the lower left on your computer ( 
  2. Select Settings

2.) Scroll down and tap on Smart Suggestions to expand the section.

Birthday reminders are enabled. To disable them, tap the toggle.

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