How do I classify a phone number as mobile?
A person's phone number can be classified in several ways:
- work
- personal
- other
And by Type:
- mobile
- voice
- fax
- other
If the SMS icon is grayed out on a person's Cloze profile it means that their number is not classified as mobile. You can edit the profile and classify it as mobile. Please follow the instructions below.
1.) Tap on any contact photo and the contact profile will open. Then tap on Edit.
From here you may edit existing information or add new contact details.
2.) Tap on "Contact info" and then scroll down to their phone numbers.
Note: Once a phone number has been classified as mobile it will enable the SMS icon on their Cloze profile.
A.) If you see a label called "Mobile" then that number has been classified as a mobile number.

3.) If there is no label called "Mobile", tap on the device icon and select "Mobile".

For contacts that have a mobile number, you can tap on the text (SMS) icon to send them a text message.