How do I edit my profile in Cloze? How do I change my profile picture?

In your own profile, you can edit your name, contact information, profile picture, social media details, and more. The information included here is used to automatically other aspects of Cloze to save you the time of entering it multiple times. We recommend reviewing and updating your profile to ensure it is accurate.  

Your profile information is used in places that use your own details such as:

  • When creating a personal email signature using Cloze's designer
  • In the Marketing Email personal footer 
  • In the Market Email personal signature
  • In your team to identify you (e.g. for example, the name used in your profile is visible to your colleagues when they are assigning a contact or to-do to you

Please follow the instructions below to make changes to your own Cloze profile and see your own timeline of activity.

1.) Tap on My People. Your profile will be at the top of the list. Tap on Edit next to your name.

2.) Tap on the About section to edit personal information such as your name, household, gender, birthday, headline, language, and picture.

3.) Tap on Contact Info to update your contact information. 

  1. Tap on the - icon to archive, correct, or remove.
  2. Tap on the + icon to add.
  3. Tap to set the type of number.
  4. Tap on the Type icon to set email address as personal or work. 

You can also set "Preferred" if you have multiple work or personal email addresses, phone numbers, or postal addresses. When you set an email address, phone number, or postal address as Preferred, Cloze will use this email address in merge fields.

Add Social Media

The social profiles added to your own profile can also be included in your email signature. Tap on the plus (+) icon to add social media profiles. 

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