How do I add (or remove) Tags to multiple contacts at once?

Tags (formerly known as keywords) are like labels that allow you to organize People, Companies, Projects, Properties, and Deals. They are helpful when you are trying to organize People or Projects that span different Segments and want to share this classification with your team on Cloze.

For example, a Tag that tracks attendance at a trade show like "Mobile-World-Congress-2023" could be used for both Customers and Partners. You can search by entering a hashtag before the tag: #mobile-world-congress-2023

Or if you wanted to organize all the people to which you wish to send a holiday card you could add the Tag #holiday-card. 

Please see below for instructions on how to bulk add or remove a Tag.  

1.) Navigate to the People Section (or other sections like companies or properties) and tap on the checkmark next to their name. 

There are several ways you can search, filter, and sort to find people easily in Cloze. 

2.) Tap on the checkmark and select Change.  

  1. Tap on the Bulk Action menu. 
  2. Select Change

3.)  Tap on the dropdown next to Add in the Tags section and select your Tags. 

  1. In the Tags section, Tap on the menu next to Add
  2. Select the tag or tags you wish to apply.
  3. Optionally, scroll to the bottom of the menu and create a new tag.

  1. Select the tag or tags you wish to apply. 

  1. Optionally, scroll to the bottom of the menu and create a new tag.

4.) Tap on Save to apply the Tags to your selected contacts. 

  1. Tap on the back arrow. 
  2. Tap on Save.
  3. Confirm the change. 

Bulk remove a Tag

If you would like to remove a Tag you can use the bulk remove option instead.

  1. Select the contacts you want to remove the tag for by tapping the checkmark.
  2. Tap on the checkmark at the bottom to open the Bulk Actions menu.
  3. Tap on Change.
  4. Scroll down to Tags and tap on Remove.
  5. Select the tag you want to remove and then tap on Save

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