Can I use operators while searching?

Yes. Cloze supports both "OR" and "AND" operators while searching, but because we use a natural language approach often times you won't need to worry about using them. You can also use our pre-defined sorts and lists to further refine your search.

Here are some examples:

If you search for: VP CEO Manager

Cloze will return all of your contacts with the title VP, Vice President, CEO, Chief Executive Officer, or Manager in their title. Note that we automatically detect that you are searching for a title.

If you search for: VP and Manager

Cloze will return all of your contacts with both VP or Vice President and Manager in the title.

You can also add a sort to your searches: VPs Managers near me

Cloze will return all of your contacts with both VP or Vice President or Manager in the title near your current location.

And exclude as well:

#2020-targets AND NOT #newsletter 

This will exclude the tag #newsletter from the people that also have the tag #2020-targets. Please note that AND NOT must be in uppercase.

Search Custom Field pick list values

In the example below I'm looking for people that have three different Lead source values set:
  • Facebook
  • Trade show
  • Website

The search I would enter is:

#lead-source:facebook AND #lead-source: trade-show AND #lead-source: website

Search for Customers with the Lead Stage and no Next Step


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