How do I create Avery labels?
Select your contacts and then generate a template for easy label printing.
Cloze offers many ways to search and filter your People and Companies. Any of these options can be used to generate Avery 5160 or 8160 Address Labels. A PDF file with their full name and address (personal or business) is created for you so that you can easily print your labels.
In the example below we are searching for all people with the tag "holiday card".
You can also add household names to your contacts to avoid sending multiple pieces to the same address. If two people have the same address and the same household name Cloze only exports one address label (removing any duplicates).
Create labels for a holiday card mailing
Search for your tag by entering a hashtag (#) and then the tag name.
#holiday-card is entered in the search box to find all of the people with this tag.
Tap on the light gray checkmark next to any person's name and then scroll to bottom of the results. You can also tap on the light gray checkmark next to the search bar to select all.

Next, tap on the checkmark at the bottom right.
Tap on Export and select an Avery label option.