How do I alert a team member about a note or To Do?
You can direct a note or assign a To Do to member of your team by entering the @ symbol and their first name.
For example if a member of my team is named Alex Estate, I can type in @Alex Estate to notify him about my note or assign him To Do. Alex will receive a notification on his mobile devices and his web browser and an Alert on his Agenda.
1.) To direct a note or assign a To Do to a member of your team, enter the @symbol and start typing their name. Then enter the rest of your note or To Do.
2.) Tap on Add.
Cloze will automatically set the type. You will have a few seconds to change the type if needed.
The To Do is set and assigned to Alex.
Alex receives a notification on his mobile devices and an Alert on his Agenda.
a.) Alex is assigned and responsible for this To Do.