How do I edit the marketing email theme Content Block settings?

Note: The Marketing Email feature is included as part of the Cloze Business Platinum Plan.

The theme settings you set here will be the basis for your marketing email templates. 

You customize the default:

  • Layout (e.g. background colors)
  • Content Blocks (e.g. button styles, divider styles, text block alignment, image defaults)
  • Styles (e.g. text styles for H1, H2, paragraph text, etc.. including colors, fonts, size, and more)

Below are instructions on how to edit the default content block settings.

Edit the Marketing Theme Content Block Settings

1.) Navigate to the Template Library

Please note you may see the Library on the left-hand screen navigation. If not follow the instructions below to access the More menu and then select the Template Library.

  1. Tap on More in the lower left on your computer ( 
  2. Select Template Library

2.) Tap on the funnel icon and select Marketing Email. 

  1. Tap on the funnel icon.
  2. Select Marketing Email.

3.) In the Building Blocks section select the Marketing Email Themes template.

  1. Tap on the Building Blocks section to expand it
  2. Tap on the Building Blocks category to expand it. 
  3. Select Marketing Email Themes. 

4.) Tap on Edit.

5.) Use the sidebar to make refinements.

  1. Theme - Adjust the theme's default layout, styles, and content.
  2. Template - Set edit controls for the theme.

The theme Content Block settings you set here will be the basis for your marketing email templates. 

Under Content, you will see several sections that you can tap on to expand and make adjustments. You will see:

  • Text Blocks
  • 2-Column Text Blocks
  • Images
  • Buttons
  • Social Buttons
  • Dividers
  • Spacers

Please find the instructions for each of these content blocks below.

Text Blocks

There are two options to set:

  • Style - set the default alignment (left, center, or right).
  • Spacing - set the default spacing on the top, bottom, and sides of text blocks. 

2-Column Text Blocks

There are two options to set:

  • Style - set the default alignment (left, center, or right).
  • Spacing - set the default spacing on the top, bottom, sides, and between columns of 2-Column text blocks. 

Image Blocks

There are five options to set:

  • Fallback image - Set the fallback image and alternative text if no image is present. 
  • Link - Set the default webpage URL and optionally display a play button over the image.
  • Style - Set the default aspect ratio, crop, border with, and border color.  
  • Sizing - Set the default fill width, alignment, and an option to grow to fill the column on mobile. 
  • Spacing -  Set the default spacing on the top, bottom, and sides of image blocks. 
  • Overlay Gradients - Add gradients from the top or bottom to help adding overlay text.
  • Overlay Text 1 - Add text to your image. 
  • Overlay Text 2 - Add text to your image. 
  • Text Animation - Animate the overlay text. 

Button Blocks

There are five options to set:

  • Content - set the default button label and webpage URL. 
  • Font - set the default font (family, size, line height, bold, italic, underline, uppercase and color). 
  • Style - set the default background color, corner radius, border width, border color, full width, and alignment. 
  • Spacing Inside the Button - set the default spacing inside the top, bottom, and sides of button blocks.
  • Spacing Around the Button - set the default spacing around the top, bottom, and sides of button blocks. 

Social Button Blocks

There are three options to set:

  • Links - set the default social media webpage URL for Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, WhatsApp, email, and phone. 
  • Size and Style - set the default image style, image size, and alignment. 
  • Spacing - set the default spacing on the top, bottom, and between social button blocks. 


For each social media button, you can set a default webpage URL or enter in "me" and Cloze will use the template user's social media links found in their Cloze profile. 

Size and Style

  1. Imagine Style - Full Color, Custom Color, Black, Gray, and White
  2. Image Size - 18px - 48px
  3. Alignment - Flush Left, Left, Center, Right, Flush Right, Justified


  1. Top
  2. Bottom
  3. Between

Divider Blocks

There are two options to set:

  • Style - set the default divider width, thickness, and color. 
  • Spacing - set the default spacing on the top and bottom of divider blocks. 

Spacer Blocks

There is one option to set:

  • Height - set the default spacer height (px).

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