How do I add an activity measure?
In settings, you can set up activity measures to track progress for you, your team, and Deals/Projects/Properties. Activity measures can track activity automatically (e.g. calls made or emails sent) or manually like logging a drop-in.
- Team member (other Cloze users) activity appears on your team's Activity Leaderboard
- Deals/Projects/Properties activity appears on Pipeline and Active Deals/Projects/Properties activity reports.
By default Cloze includes several activity measures:
- Calls Made - Count of calls you are a team member made.
- Sent Mail - Emails sent by you or a team member.
- Mail Opens - Sent emails that have been opened.
- Link Clicks - Sent emails that have had links clicked.
- Meetings - Count of scheduled or planned meetings.
- Sent Messages - Messages sent by you or a team member.
- To Dos - Number of To Dos completed.
- Steps - Number of Next Steps completed.
- Notes - Number of notes created.
- Calls - Time on all calls.
- Meetings - Time spent in regular meetings.
Add your own Activity Measures
You can also add other built-in measures or create your own measures.
Email Measures
- Replies - Sent emails that have had replies
- Received - Received emails (not counting bulk mail)
- Bulk Mail - Received bulk emails
- Non-Bulk - Send and received emails (not counting bulk mail)
- Mail Re - Emails linked to the person, company, or property
- Auto Sent Mails - Emails that have been automatically sent
- Mail - All emails
Postal Measures
- Personal Postal Mail - Personal postal mail sent by you or a team member
- Bulk Postal Mail - Bulk postal mail sent by you or a team member
- Postal Mail - All postal mail
Meeting Measures
- Drop Ins - Count - Short, often unscheduled, meetings or visits
- Drop Ins - Time - Time spent in unscheduled, meetings or visits
Call Measures
- Calls In - Count - Calls to you or a team member
- Calls In - Time - Time on calls to you or a team member
- Calls Made - Time - Time on calls you or a team member made
- Calls Re - Count - Calls linked to the person, company, or property
- Calls Re - Time - Time on calls linked to the person, company, or property
- Calls - Count - All calls
Messaging Measures
- Messages In - Messages you or a team member received
- Messages Re - Messages linked to the person, company, or property
- Messages - All messages
Internal Measures
- Assignments - Number of contacts assigned
- Claims - Number of contact assignments claimed
- Lead Alerts - Number of broadcast alerts received
Add a built-in measure
To add one of the above measures tap on the Add button and then scroll down the menu and select a measure.
Add a custom measure
1.) To add a custom measure tap on the Add button and select New Measure.
2.) Set up your measure.
Enter the following:
- Name
- Name (Plural)
- Description (Optional)
- Applies To - the base activity to which the measure can be applied either manually or automatically.
- Meetings
- Calls
- Texts
- Sent Mail
- Inbound Mail
- Duration - The default duration when manually logging.
- 5m
- 15m
- 30m
- 1hr
- more
- Count - Cloze can count the measure in two ways:
- In addition - the measure will be counted separately in addition to the base metric.
- For example, a meeting-based activity measure would count the measure AND the meeting.
- In this example, the measure is NOT subtracted from overall meetings that occur.
- This will double-count activity, but is helpful if you are trying to isolate a metric while counting the base metric overall. You'll still look at Meeting Count to see your overall meetings.
- For example, a meeting-based activity measure would count the measure AND the meeting.
- Instead of - if the measure is applied it is not counted separately.
- For example, a meeting-based activity measure like a Drop In Count would count as the Drop In Count measure and NOT as a Meeting Count measure.
- The measure subtracts from the base metric.
- To get the total number of meetings you would add the Meeting Count measure PLUS this meeting-based measure.
- For example, a meeting-based activity measure like a Drop In Count would count as the Drop In Count measure and NOT as a Meeting Count measure.
- In addition - the measure will be counted separately in addition to the base metric.