How do I update my Privacy Settings?
Every Project (or Deal) can have a unique Team. This team typically consists of your coworkers, but may also include people outside your organization like a consultant. Please note that all members of the Project Team must have a Cloze Pro or Business subscription to participate.
Control your Privacy Settings for each Project (or Deal)
You can fine tune what is shared with other members of the Project (or Deal) Team by adjust your Privacy Settings.
When you share a Project (or Deal) your whole team stays on the same page. Project activity is automatically shared with no data entry required. And you can easily track who's responsible with assignable Next Steps and assignable to-dos.
When you tap on "Approve Sharing" you are sharing with other members of your Project (or Deal) Team:
- Contact information for each person involved (these are typically your customers/clients etc..). For example if you share the work email address and work phone number of a customer this information will be shared with the other members of your Project (or Deal) Team.
- The interactions with each person involved based on the contact information shared. For example if you share the work email address and work phone number of a customer you will share your email messages and phone calls over both pieces of information shared.
You can adjust these settings at any time by tapping Privacy Settings.
1.) Tap on Privacy Settings in the lower right corner of the screen.
2.) In this section there are four primary privacy settings you can adjust:
- Share From - The date from which you will share your interactions.
Tip: Set this date back in time if you wish to include some historical interactions that might add context to the Project (or Deal) for other members of the Project (or Deal) Team.
- Share Until - The date when your sharing to the Project or Deal will end and you will no longer contribute.
Tip: Select "Deal End" to end your sharing when the Project or Deal Status is marked as "Done" or "Lost".
- Share New Content- Once you have created or joined a project you can set how often your interactions (or any new contact information) are shared with other members of the Project (or Deal) Team. The broadcast delay gives you time to flag sensitive messages as private before other Project (or Deal) Team see them.
Note: By default Cloze will automatically share after one work day. Every project can have its own unique broadcast delay setting.
You can set your broadcast delay to:
- Immediately - share new interactions and contacts as they are available.
- After 4 work hours - share new interactions and contacts after 4 work hours.
- After 1 work day - share new interactions and contacts after 1 work day
- Manual - only share when you choose to share.
- What to Share - Select the contact information and the corresponding interactions you wish to share.
Tip: Tap on the share icon to mark an item as private.