How do I sort and filter my Cloze Inbox?

Cloze provides several ways to filter and sort your Inbox.

Tap on the Funnel icon and you will see options to filter and sort your Cloze Inbox. 

  1. Sort - You can sort your Cloze Inbox by People and Date or by Best Relationship or by Date (in beta on web only
  2. Type - All emails, just unread email messages and just email messages with attachments.
  3. Content - Email account, email, faxes, voicemail (RingCentral, DialPad only), messages, and social mentions.

Please see below for a description of each type of filtering and sorting.  

Sort Order

Your Inbox can be sorted by People and Date or by Best Relationship or by Date (in beta on web only). 

On Web (desktop)

In the sort order section select Date (Beta).

On Mobile

  • Tap on Time to see your email messages in the order they arrive. 
  • Tap on Best Relationship to see email by your most important relationships first regardless of the time they arrive.

Filter by Type

Filter by Content

You can filter your Cloze Inbox by email source. Tap on each email account to show or hide the email from your accounts. 

Your Cloze Inbox can also show social media mentions and direct messages. For example, someone mentions you on Twitter or sends you a direct message through Twitter. For RingCentral and DialPad users you can also see your direct messages, faxes, and voicemails. 

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