Broadcast an Alert - Campaign “Take Action” settings
The Cloze Campaigns feature is included as part of the Cloze Business Platinum Plan.
Each type of Campaign step will have its own settings. For example, a step to automatically send an email will have different settings than a set to automatically send an email.
A broadcasted alert can be used to add a simple note to the timeline of contact and to notify team members. A broadcasted alert lets you quickly notify a single person or a group of team members with the specified Tag.
A common use of the Broadcast an Alert action is to notify a Lead Pond.
For example, a campaign can be used to notify only people in a Lead Pond called "Pond A" about a new lead -- any team member with #pond-a tag will be alerted.
Below you will find the "Take Action" campaigns settings for Broadcast an Alert:
- Alert Details
- Tag and Notify Team Members
- Reassign After Notify
Broadcast an Alert Campaign "Take Action" Settings.
Tap on the + icon and select Broadcast an Alert.
Note Details
Set the subject text for the Broadcast Alert. For example, to notify everyone in a Lead Pond called "Pond A" about a new lead, the Alert Note text could be something like "New Lead!".
How to Notify
Select how you want the Broadcast Alert to be sent out. By default, In-App Alert and Mobile Push are selected. You can choose to also have the alert broadcasted via Email or Text Message
Tag and Notify Team Members
A Tag added in this setting section will add a Tag to the contact and notify other team members that also have this same Tag (i.e. this can be used to notify a lead Pond).
Reassign After Notify
After notifying team members, allow any user with the appropriate Self Assign Role permission to assign this contact to themselves.