How do I trigger a campaign based on email link clicks?
You can trigger a campaign to start based on the number of clicks a link receives by an email recipient. This can be helpful when prioritizing engagement for follow-up. For example, if a link is clicked two times by a recipient, a campaign could be triggered to set a to-do on the Agenda to follow up with a phone call.
1.) Highlight the text you wish to link to a webpage and then tap on the link icon.
2.) Add the link and set the campaign.
Use the create link settings to set how your campaign will trigger:
- Enter webpage URL
- Optional set a reporting label that will appear in Analytics
- Set the campaign you wish to trigger when the number of clicks is reached
- Set home manage clicks will trigger the campaign
In this example, the link is set to trigger a campaign automation that creates a To-Do on the Agenda if there are two clicks on the link.
3.) Send your email or Mail Merge.
Any time a recipient clicks two or more times on the link the campaign will trigger.