How do I filter a timeline to exclude items like the audit trail?

If you have a lot of activity with a person, company, or in a project, property, or deal it can be helpful to filter out some of the timeline items. For example, you may want to show only your own timeline with a person and remove the audit trail messages so you can focus on just your 1:1 communications with someone. 

New Design 

You can enable the new Cloze design in Settings.

1.) Tap on the funnel icon at the top of a person's timeline. 

A person's profile features an infinitely scrolling timeline of all their activity with you. Filters are helpful if you wish to quickly narrow or expand this timeline. 

2.) Check or uncheck the options as needed. 

Checked items appear in the timeline. Your selections will remain as you view other people, so if you filter the timeline and then navigate to another contact you'll see the same filtered view.

  1. The green, filled checkmark = this content is visible in the timeline.
  2. The white, hollow checkmark = this connect is not visible in the time timeline.

There are several options you can select. 

  • Mail
  • Meetings
  • Calls
  • Texts Messages
  • Other Messages
  • To Dos
  • Next Steps
  • Notes
  • From Integrated Apps
  • Activity Measures (tap to expand)
  • Related timelines (tap to expand)
    • Linked Communication - Communication linked by Re
    • Audit Trail - Changes, alerts, and campaign activity
    • Open Properties - Excludes closed and lost timelines
    • All Properties - Includes all property timelines
    • Deleted Items - Includes deleted messages
  • Collaboration (tap to expand)
    • Your Timeline - Show only your timeline
    • Shared Timeline - Show the timeline for you and your team on Cloze

Classic Design  

Tap on the funnel icon to filter the timeline and exclude items as needed from the view. 

Filter by just your timeline or include the shared timeline of your team too:
  • Your Timeline - Show only your timeline
  • Shared Timeline - Show the timeline for you and your team on Cloze
Filter by type of content:
  • Direct Communication - Directly related communication
  • Linked Communication - Communication linked by RE 
  • Audit Trail - Audit trail of key changes (Changes to Stage, Segment, Assignment, Steps, Custom Fields etc...) 

Tip: If you would like to filter by type of communication (like all of your emails or calls with a person), you can do that too. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to filter the timeline by content type

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