How to turn off (or on) creating contacts automatically

Learn more about how Cloze discovers contacts for you automatically. 

My People is your primary audience. Any other personal audience you create is a subset of this main audience.

A key advantage of Cloze is that you never need to create contacts manually or log your activity with them -- it's all automatic.

By default, automatic contact creation is off

This means that as Cloze discovers new contacts it keeps them off to the side in another audience called Discovered People

Cloze includes an option to include people it automatically discovers in the primary  My People audience. 

Enabling automatic contact creation comes down to personal preference. Some people like to see automatically created contacts blended together in the My People audience, while others would like a bit more control. Note that you can turn this on or off at any time to see which mode you prefer. 

In this default mode (automatic contact creation is off), Cloze will keep track of the contacts it discovers, but won’t automatically add them to your My People audience. You can instead go to the Discovered People audience to select the people you want to formally organize and manage. 

Below is a table that shows what type of contacts you will see in each mode. 

Automatic Contact Creation OFF (default) Automatic Contact Creation ON
My People Audience

Google Contacts

Outlook/Microsoft 365 Contacts

iPhone Contacts

Android Contacts

Spreadsheet imports

Google Contacts

Outlook/Microsoft 365 Contacts

iPhone Contacts

Android Contacts

Spreadsheet imports


Contacts Cloze creates automatically and includes them in the My People audiences.

Discovered People Audience Discovered People are kept as a separate audience from My People. Not used.

When Create contacts automatically is off...

  • the My People audience will only include people imported from other services like (Google Contacts, Outlook contacts, iPhone Contacts, etc..), you have organized in Cloze with a Tag, Segment, or Stage, or you imported via a spreadsheet. 
  • you'll see another audience called Discovered People. The Discovered People audience includes contacts that Cloze has discovered, but kept off to the side and out of your way. If you choose to organize a contact in the Discovered People audience it will move to the My People audience automatically. 

How to toggle automatic contact creation ON or OFF.

1.) Tap on the More Options menu (...) and then select Settings. 

  1. Tap on More in the lower right of your screen on mobile (iOS/Android).
  2. Select Settings

On your computer: 
  1. Tap on More in the lower left on your computer ( 
  2. Select Settings

2.) Scroll down and tap on Smart Suggestions to expand the section.

3.) Use the toggle to turn on (or off) "Create contacts automatically." 

  1. OFF: If it is to the left (white), Cloze will not create contacts automatically. Discovered People are kept as a separate audience from My People.
  2. ON:  If the slide is to the right (green), Cloze will create contacts automatically. 

Create Contacts Automatically toggle is OFF (default) 

If you prefer to keep the  Discovered People as a separate audience from My People, you have the option to toggle this setting OFF. This provides more control over the people you add to the My People audience. 

With Create Contacts Automatically OFF there are two audiences: 

  • My People Audience will only contain created contacts, contacts that are a contact in an address book, have been organized (a tag, segment, or stage), or that were imported. 
  • Discovered People Audience will contain discovered contacts with whom you have interacted a number of times (but just never added to your contacts, classified with a tag, stage, or segment, etc.) and temporarily people that are "one and done" (they emailed you and you chose not to respond -- this later group will be archived automatically). 
    • Tap on My People and select Discovered People to see this audience.
    • If you choose to organize a contact in the Discovered People audience it will move to the My People audience automatically. 

New Design 

You can enable the new Cloze design in Settings. 

  1. Tap on My People
  2. Select Discovered People

Create Contacts Automatically toggle is ON. 

If you have the setting to create contacts automatically ON, this means that Cloze will create contacts automatically from the people with whom you interact on email or calendar meetings and show them in the People section under the audience  My People. This is helpful because you never need to spend time manually creating contacts.   

It is important to note that if you are only CC'd or BCC'd and never interact with a person again Cloze will automatically move this person to the Archived People audience. Only people with whom you consistently interact will be created automatically. You can archive a contact at any time by following these instructions.  

With Create Contacts Automatically ON, the  My People Audience includes both created contacts and discovered people:

  • Created contacts (contacts that are a contact in an address book, have been organized [a tag, segment or stage], or that were imported) and 
  • Discovered people which are people who you do not have as a contact in your address books, have not organized in Cloze in any way, or imported into Cloze. 

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