How do I see what segments the goal is measuring?
Cloze Goal Tracking is included in the Cloze Business Platinum Plan and above.
Each goal is filtered to track a specific group of segments or a single segment.
Default Goal Tracking Segments:
- Activity goals - by default activity goals (e.g. Outreach, Reactions) are set to Client Segments
- The Client Segments filter includes: Buyers, Sellers, Renters, Landlords, Buyers & Sellers, As, Bs, Cs, Ds, Sphere of Influence, and all other custom business segments you or your brokerage may create.
- This option excludes: Agents, Suppliers, Partners, Investors, Coworkers, Friends, Family, and all personal segments except for Sphere of Influence (the only personal segment included)
- Sales goals - by default sales goals (e.g. Sides, GCI, Total Sales) are set to two segments:
- 1.) Buy Transactions, and
- 2.) Sale Listings
Adjust the filters for any goal by following the instructions below
1.) When hovering over a goal on your agenda, tap on the wrench icon, or when on the mobile app swipe to the left and select change.
This setting page allows you to set, reorder, and add goals.
On desktop:

On mobile:

2.) Tap on the gear icon next to the goal you wish to set.

3.) Review the What is the goal measuring filter settings.
In this section, you can set what segments your goal is measuring.

- Set what the goal is measuring: Tap on the Filter menu to set the Segments to measure.
See note below about Filter Options. - Select the Segments to measure.
We recommend selecting All Business Segments or All Client Segments.

Filter Options:
- All Business Segments: Select All Business Segments to measure this goal for all of your business segments.
- This option includes: Buyers, Sellers, Renters, Buyers & Sellers, As, Bs, Cs, Ds, Investors, Landlords, Partners, Agents, Suppliers, etc.
- This option excludes: Coworkers and Personal Segments (like Friends, Family, and Sphere of Influence).
- Client Segments: Select Client Segments to focus your measurement on segments that are typically used to organize your clients.
- This option includes: Buyers, Sellers, Renters, Landlords, Buyers & Sellers, As, Bs, Cs, Ds, Sphere of Influence, and all other custom business segments.
- This option excludes: Agents, Suppliers, Partners, Investors, Coworkers, Friends, Family, and all personal segments except for Sphere of Influence (the only personal segment included)
- Specific Segments: Select one specific Segment to measure goals against.
- This option only includes the single segment you select.
- All Segments: Select this option to measure goals against all segments.
- This option includes all business and personal segments.
4.) Tap on the save button when you are done.