Audiences Overview

With an Audience, you can quickly access groups of contacts without the need to filter each time. You can create custom audiences in several different ways to provide focus and target various subsets of all the people you know. There is no set way to define an audience -- this is completely up to you, but in general, audiences are used to provide more personalized outreach and marketing activities as you can tailor the content for each unique set of people. 

Audiences are dynamic so as you organize your contacts they will be automatically added. For example, an audience defined with Cloze tags will update automatically as these tags are added or removed from contacts. 

Getting Started

Cloze includes both default audiences and custom audiences.

 Audiences are unified with filtering so any filtered view you use frequently, you can simply save.

  • One place to filter the view and create audiences
  • Relative date filtering (e.g. lease expiration in the next two months)
  • Date ranges (e.g. purchase anniversary between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019)
  • Sort direction
  • Save any filtered view as a new audience. 

Default Audiences

When you create a Cloze account, we generate two audiences for you and populate them:

  1. My People - this is all of the people Cloze has imported from various connected accounts or Cloze has created automatically.
  2. My Focus (or My Sphere) - this view is designed to give you more focus by only including your key contacts. You can filter out the types of contacts you don't wish to see and include contacts based on various options like Stage, Segment, or Tag.

Creating Custom Audiences

You can create additional custom audiences based on criteria you include (or exclude) like Stages, Segments, tags, and other information like the contact source (e.g. Google Contacts).

Custom audiences are especially helpful when you want to quickly access a subset of people on a regular basis. 

Any set of filters you apply can be saved as a custom audience. Learn how to create a custom audience

Other Audiences

Cloze will also create other types of audiences for you automatically.
  1. Last People Import - When you import a spreadsheet you will see this audience created to make it easy to reference all of the people you just imported. 
  2. Discovered People - A key advantage of Cloze is that you never need to create contacts manually or log your activity with them -- it's all automatic. By default, automatic contact creation is off. This means that as Cloze discovers new contacts it keeps them off to the side in another audience called Discovered People. 
  3. Archived People - Cloze automatically creates people from past conversations on email and calendar meetings to save you the time of manually creating contacts.

    In many cases, these are people where there is an ongoing relationship, but in other cases, the person could be CC'd on an email and you never have an interaction with them again. For these scenarios, Cloze will automatically archive contacts to help get them out of your way. You can also archive (or unarchive) someone at any time. 

Shared Audiences

If you are part of a team you will see shared two audiences:
  • Shared - This audience is comprised of all of the contacts that have been shared by your team. It is labeled with your team name. 
  • Archived - This audience includes all of the shared contacts that have been archived by members of your team. It is also labeled with your team name. 

Please note that custom audiences are private for each team member and not shared with your team. Custom audiences are designed for individual team member use, and not shareable with the team. If a shared audience should be created, it needs to be created within the team admin account and then the customization needs to be shared with the rest of the team. 

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