Cloze Automatic Goal Tracking FAQ
Cloze Goal Tracking is included in the Cloze Business Platinum Plan and above.
Goal Tracking Frequently Asked Questions
- What goals should I focus on?
- How do I set my goals?
- How do I see my goal progress?
- How do I view my goal trends?
- How do I add goals?
- How many goals can I have?
- How do I reorder my goals?
- How do I see what segments the goal is measuring?
- What are Cloze's predefined goals? And what do they measure?
- How do I hide Goals on the Agenda?
What goals should I focus on?
We analyzed the success of over 10,000 agents to find a set of goals that work. The data shows that focusing on these simple goals—outreach and reactions—leads to success. Cloze automatically tracks these goals for you - so you spend more time on your work, not on paperwork.
On average, for every 10 sides you want to close, you need to reach out to 4 clients per day (28 clients/week).

How do I set my goals?
You can let Cloze automatically set your goals based on your historical information or you can set your own goals. Cloze automatically determines annual seasonality and weekly variation and paces the target to match.
When hovering over a goal on your agenda, tap on the wrench icon, or when on the mobile app swipe to the left and select change.
This setting page allows you to set, reorder, and add goals.
On desktop:

On mobile:

More details about goal settings are available here.
How do I see my goal progress?
You will find your goal progress on the Cloze Agenda.
Goals can be either weekly or yearly. You can see your progress towards your overall goal by how much of the ring is filled in.
Measuring your progress
In this example, the Outreach goal (the number of people you reached out to by email, text, or phone) is 35 per week. Cloze automatically tracks your calls, texts, emails, and meetings ensuring you always see the latest information.
Tip: We recommend syncing your calls and texts from your iPhone or Android phone for automatic tracking.
The number in the center shows you exactly where you are.
- The weekly outreach goal is 35.
- Your progress towards this goal as of now is 19.
- To stay on pace towards this weekly outreach goal Cloze is recommending one more outreach for the day.

Pacing yourself
Cloze automatically breaks your goals into daily and monthly goals that make sense.
This takes into account the seasonality of your business, and your work habits - so it might not be the same every day or month.
The arrow shows you how to stay on pace to meet your overall goal.
In this example, the Reactions goal (the number of people who reacted to your outreach by replying or taking your call) is set to 35 per week.
So far, 27 reactions have been received, which is ahead of pace for the goal of 35 reactions per week goal.

More details about goal progress are available here.
How do I view my goal trends?
Your agenda shows your top 3 goals. On lower screen resolution phones, or phones where the display is zoomed-in, or narrow-width column settings Cloze will show 2 goals.
You can see all of your goals and trends by navigating to the goals details screen.
1.) When hovering over a goal on your agenda, tap on the details (chart) icon, or when on the mobile app swipe to the right and select details.
On this screen, you can view your goal trends and pacing.
On desktop:

On mobile:

2.) Scroll down the page and view trends and pacing for each goal.
Tap on the goal name to expand / collapse each goal as needed.
- Weeks you met your goal (the green bars)
- Your weekly goal (the gray line)
- Days you were on pace (the green bars)
- Your daily pace to stay meet your weekly goal (the gray line)

More details about goal trends and pacing are available here.
How do I add goals?
Cloze includes several built-in, predefined goals like Outreach, Reactions, Sides, and GCI that work automatically. We recommend starting with the predefined goals — if you need additional goals you can easily add them.
1.) Tap on the wrench icon when hovering over a goal on your agenda. This setting page allows you to set, reorder, add, and remove goals.

2.) Tap on the add button.

3.) Select a new goal from the menu.

More details on how to add a new goal to Cloze are available here.
How many goals can I have?
You can have as many goals as you'd like. Cloze will display the first three goals on the Agenda.
You can tap on any of the Agenda goals and tap on the details icon to see trends for all of your goals.
In the example below, the first three goals in settings are displayed on the Agenda. Note: On lower screen resolution phones, phones where the display is zoomed-in, or narrow-width column settings Cloze will show 2 goals.
How do I reorder my goals?
Your agenda shows your top 3 goals. On lower screen resolution phones, phones where the display is zoomed-in, or narrow-width column settings Cloze will show 2 goals. You can see all of your goals and trends by navigating to the goals details screen.
You can change the order in Goal settings:
- On Desktop: Tap on the wrench icon when hovering over a goal on your agenda.
- On Mobile: Swipe left and select change.
More details on how to reorder goals are available here.
How do I see what segments the goal is measuring?
Each goal is filtered to a group of segments or a specific segment.
- Activity goals - by default activity goals (e.g. Outreach, Reactions) are set to Client Segments
- The Client Segments filter includes: Buyers, Sellers, Renters, Landlords, Buyers & Sellers, As, Bs, Cs, Ds, Sphere of Influence, and all other custom business segments.
- This option excludes: Agents, Suppliers, Partners, Investors, Coworkers, Friends, Family, and all personal segments except for Sphere of Influence (the only personal segment included)
- Sales goals - by default sales goals (e.g. Sides, GCI, Total Sales) are set to two segments: 1.) Buy Transactions and 2.) Sale Listings
You can adjust these filters for any goal by following these instructions.
What are Cloze's predefined goals? And what do they measure?
Cloze includes several built-in, predefined goals like Outreach, Reactions, Sides, and GCI that work automatically.
We recommend starting with the predefined goals — if you need additional goals you can easily add them.
You can also add your own, custom goals based on any Activity Measure. Below is a list of built-in, predefined goals that you can configure. You can also add, remove, and reorder goals.
Predefined Goals
- Outreach - Number of people you reached out to by email, text, or phone.
- Reactions - Number of people who reacted to your outreach by replying or taking your call.
- Sides - Number of closed Sale Listings and Buy Transactions.
- GCI - Gross commission income in US Dollars.
- Total Sales - Total amount of sales in US Dollars.
- Interactions - Number of people that you've interacted with on a given day.
How do I hide Goals on the Agenda?
If you do not plan to use the goal tracking feature you can toggle it off on the Agenda.
- Tap on the funnel icon.
- Toggle off Goals (toggle to the left).
On desktop:

On mobile: