How do I customize templates based on the recipient's language? (Translate templates)

NoteSmart Templates and associated advanced custom fields are only available in the Cloze Platinum plan.

With Cloze you can translate custom fields and templates content to ensure that the recipient receives your content in their local language. For example, when sending properties to a potential buyer the template can dynamically change to display the description, email subject, custom field labels, and button labels in the recipient's preferred language. Cloze will use the country and formatting options set in their Cloze profile to display the translated content. By default, the contact's country is used to select the formatting and translated content. 

For any Cloze template you can translate:

Use Merge Fields to easily translate templates into the recipient's language

Email content can be easily translated into the recipient's language with merge fields. 

  1. Simply highlight the text you wish to translate
  2. Tap on the Merge Fields icon
  3. Select Text by Language

Cloze will include a translation for the text automatically, but you can make refinements as needed after you select each language. 

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