Sort and Filter Overview
Tap on the funnel icon along the top of the People, Company, or Project (Property) sections to filter and sort in a number of ways. Optionally, filtered and sorted views can be saved as an Audience -- any time you find yourself frequently filtering to find the same view simply save it as an audience.
- Quick filters to find what you need fast
- Relative date filtering (e.g. lease expiration in the next two months)
- Date ranges (e.g. purchase anniversary between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019)
- Change the sort direction
- Communication and Collaboration filtering (e.g. People with Campaigns Running)
- Save any filtered view as a new audience
Sort By
Sort Direction
Tap on Sort Direction to change the direction of the filtered contacts. The direction depends on the Sort By selection you make. Learn more about sort direction here.
For example:
- closest to the farthest distance
- strongest to weakest relationship
- most recent to least recent last interacted
For example:
- if you select "Relationship" sort direction will change the ordering based on who you know best or who you know least.
- if you select "Distance" the sort direction will change the ordering based on how close (proximity) a contact is to you or far away from you.
Quick Filters
Filter the view based on Stage, Segment, and/or Tag. Learn More about Quick Filters here.
- Stages
- Segments
- Tags
Must Match All of These
As you select filters, the returned results will match all of the criteria. Match All functions as an "And" so as you add criteria narrows the results.
Each selection you make in this filter narrows your results to only people who have all of the values.
Think of the Must Match All of These filter as: "AND".
For example, if you select the Stage Warm and the Segment Buyer and the lead source as Website as filters, the results will only show people that have the Warm Stage, and the Buyer Segment and the lead source, Website. All three criteria must be included to be returned in the filter results.
- Tap on Must Match All of These to expand the section
- Tap on the + to add a filter
Match All functions as an "And" so as you add criteria narrows the results.
Only people who have all three items (Warm, Buyer, and Lead Source: Website) will be included in the filtered list.
Learn more about the Must Match All of These filter.
And Match Any of These
Each selection you make in this filter widens your results to people who have any of the criteria.
Think of And Match Any of These as: "OR".
For example, if you select the stages Warm and Hot as filters, the results will show people that have either the Warm Stage or the Hot Stage.
Select as many filter options as you would like. Also, note that you can combine Match Any of These, with any of the other filters.
- Tap on Must Match Any of These to expand the section
- Tap on the + to add a filter
Match Any functions as an "Or" so as you add criteria it widens the results.
People who have Lead Source: Website OR Lead Source: Open House will be included in the filtered list.
Learn more about the Match Any of These filter.
And Match None of These
Each selection you make in this filter narrows your results to people who have none of the values.
Think of And Match None of These as: "NOT". For example, if you select the stage Lost as a filter, the results will not show people with the Lost Stage.
Select as many filter options as you would like. Also, note that you can combine Match None of These, with any of the other filters.
- Tap on Must Match None of These to expand the section
- Tap on the + to add a filter
Match None functions as a "NOT" so as you add criteria it narrows the results by excluding the criteria you set.
For example, if you filter by:
- Match All of These: Custom Field - Lead Source: Website
- Match None of These: Stage: Lost
- Match None of These: Do Not Contact: No Emails, No Calls, No Texts, or No Contact (at all)
Only people who have Lead Source: Website that are not in the Stage Lost and have not opted out [No Emails, No Calls, No Texts, or No Contact (at all)] will be included in the filtered list.
Learn more about the Match None of These filter.
Combining Filters
Match All, Match Any, and Match None filters can be combined.
For example, if you are looking for Buyers from any lead source with whom you have interacted in the last two weeks that have not opted out you would create a filter like the one below.
if you filter by:
- Match All of These: Segment: Buyers
- Match All of These: Last Interacted: In Last 2 Weeks
- Match Any of These: Custom Field - Lead Source: Set to any value
- Match None of These: Stage: In Contract, Closed, or Lost
- Match None of These: Do Not Contact: No Emails, No Calls, No Texts, or No Contact (at all)
- Group by - contacts can be grouped by Stage or Next Step
- Subset - Return a subset of the results (e.g. first 500)
Filters can be saved as an audience.
After you have made your selections you can save them as a new audience.
- Tap on Audience to expand the section
- Enter the custom Name of your new audience
- Include sorting and grouping (optional)
- Audience Campaign (Cloze Platinum Plus plan only)
- Tap on the Save as New Audience button